7 Common Things That Are 6.5 Inches (in) Long

Size has always been a factor in human life. Think about how size impacts things like safety and efficiency. For example, if your car were too small for your needs, you’d have trouble getting around comfortably.

On the other hand, if it were too large, you’d be spending much more money than necessary on gas.

In this article, you’ll discover various everyday objects that measure 6.5 inches long. We’ll begin by exploring common household items like pencils and straws.

1. The Standard Pencil Length

The Standard Pencil Length-6.5 Inches

The standard length of a pencil is 6.5 inches or 16.51 centimeters, which has been the case for many years. Pencils come in different shapes and sizes, but the average length remains consistent.

The size of a pencil makes it easy to carry around. It can fit inside a pocket or bag without taking up too much space.

Pencils are commonly used for writing or drawing purposes. They come in different lead hardness levels ranging from 9H (hard) to 9B (soft).

2. The Regular Drinking Straw Size

The Regular Drinking Straw Size-6.5 Inches

Drinking straws are commonly used to consume soda, juice, and water. The regular drinking straw size is around 6.5 inches or 16.51 centimetres long and has a diameter of approximately 0.2 inches or 0.51 centimetres.

Drinking straws can be made from different materials, such as plastic, paper, or metal. They come in different colors and designs, including bendy, straight, and reusable straws that can be cleaned and reused often.

3. The Length of a Dollar Bill

The Length of a Dollar Bill-6.5 Inches

The length of a dollar bill is approximately 6.14 inches or 15.6 centimeters long and around 2.61 inches or 6.62 centimeters wide.

The design features the portraits of former U.S. presidents. George Washington on the front side has been featured since the first U.S. dollar bill was introduced in 1862.

Dollar bills remain one of the world’s most widely circulated forms of currency today due to their convenience in handling small transactions quickly without needing change or credit cards.

4. The size of a typical kitchen knife blade

The size of a typical kitchen knife blade-6.5 Inches

Kitchen knives come in various shapes and sizes, but most chef’s knives have a blade that is around 6.5 inches in length. This size allows for versatility when cutting different types of food, such as fruits, vegetables, and meats.

A typical chef’s knife has a slightly curved blade ranging from 6 to 12 inches in length.

A longer blade can be helpful when cutting more significant items like roasts or watermelons, but it can also be more challenging to control than shorter blades.

5. Diameter of Most Golf Balls

Diameter of Most Golf Balls-6.5 Inches

Golf balls have been a sport staple for centuries, and their size has always remained constant. The diameter of most golf balls is 1.68 inches, which translates to 6.5 inches in circumference.

This size has been regulated by organizations such as the USGA (United States Golf Association) and R&A (Royal and Ancient Golf Club) to ensure fair play among golfers worldwide.

Golf ball manufacturers use advanced technology to create balls that meet strict regulations while providing optimal performance for players.

6. Size for some cocktail straws

Size for some cocktail straws

Cocktail straws are small plastic straws commonly used to sip mixed drinks like margaritas or daiquiris. The size of these straws varies depending on the glass being served and the establishment serving them. However, most cocktail straws have a length of approximately 6 inches (in) with a diameter between 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch.

Some establishments use longer cocktail straws so patrons can still easily reach their drink even when it’s nearly empty. Others opt for shorter ones because they’re more cost-effective.

7. Typical Diameter for Some Candles

Typical Diameter for Some Candles

Candles are lovely additions to any home’s decor and can add warmth and coziness to any room. While candles come in various shapes and sizes, some have specific dimensions worth noting – precisely, their diameter.

A standard candle with a diameter of 6.5 inches is quite large and usually reserved for special occasions or as decorative centrepieces on tables at formal events such as weddings, galas, or balls.

However, smaller candles with this same diameter would be more suitable as everyday items, such as scented candles used during relaxing bubble baths or meditation sessions.


After exploring 7 common things that are 6.5 inches long, it is clear that this length is more prevalent in our daily lives than we may have realized.

This article has covered various objects, from everyday items to technology and personal care products. We hope this has been an enlightening and fun read for you.